Saturday, April 25, 2015

Only Today

“The faithful discharge of today’s duties is the best preparation for tomorrow’s trials….One day alone is ours, and during this day we are to live for God. For this one day we are to place in the hand of Christ, in solemn service, all our purposes and plans, casting all our care upon Him, for He careth for us….But we are not asked to live more than a day at a time. He who gives strength for today will give strength for tomorrow.” (2MCP 472)

Sometimes we get discouraged over our spiritual lives. Yet, we are reminded here with this quote, that we have only today. Only today, we need to worry about our relationship with Christ, only today we need to give our lives to Him. When we start wondering what is going to happen each day with our walk with Christ, we become discouraged and overwhelmed. Think only today!

In another place, it says, "If you will seek the Lord and be converted every day; if you will of your own spiritual choice be free and joyous in God; if with gladsome consent of heart to His gracious call you come wearing the yoke of Christ,--the yoke of obedience and service,--all your murmurings will be stilled, all your difficulties will be removed, all the perplexing problems that now confront you will be solved." (Mount of Blessing, pg. 101.)

Today, I will surrender my life to Christ. Today, I will let Christ shine through me. Today, I will let His plans be fulfilled in my life. Today, I will speak His words. Today, I will walk with Christ. Today, I will learn at His feet. Today

I will worry about tomorrow when it comes, but today, I will live for God!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Health Expos

Friday we finished up at the alamodome. It was such a blessing to be able to help all those that we did. Over the course of the 2.5 days, our lifestyle station was able to help around 1500 people, while the total clinic saw 6,193 people. We had to turn thousands away, but praise God we were able to help all those that we did!

This is a view from up on the bleachers.

After a restful Sabbath, Sunday we went to the George Gervin Academy to set up for a health expo on Monday.

It was so much fun, even though we were so busy! We had an expo for the elementary school children, and there was also an adult health expo for the academy students and parents. 

Setting up!

I helped here at the nutrition station, explaining why it is best to eat fruits and vegetables over sugary and fatty foods.  I took a swimming noodle and cut it longways in half and used it as arteries. Then we took colored water for healthy blood (to show what happens when you eat good food), and colored water thickened with cornstarch (to show what happens when we make unhealthy choices). 

Two tired guys...:)

All the kids!

The other side for adults and academy students

The guys were in charge of exercise...they had many exercise challenges for the other guys there.

Another end of a day!  It is such a blessing for me to be able to help others see how they can live healthy lives.  I hope each child we talked to today will be able to remember even just one thing we taught them. :)

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Day Two of the Clinic

Another very busy day! I was practically on my feet all day long except for a few times--taking people to lifestyle counselors.  We changed our system around a little bit, and it is definitely more efficient. Our station saw about 756 people today!

The total tally from yesterday came to 2600 people--and there were definitely a lot more people today. I don't have the numbers yet though. :)  Please pray for all those that we will be seeing tomorrow, and for those who will not be able to get any service. There are just too many people that need help. Dental services are already full for tomorrow, and since it is the last day, there will be a lot more people trying to get in before we close.  Later, I will try to post some more pictures. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

First Day of the Clinic!

This morning at 6:30 we headed over to the Alamodome to get ready for people to come through the lifestyle coaching station. When we arrived, hundreds of people were already lined up by the door waiting to get in. Some had even come last night and slept there so they would get a better chance of getting in.  Overall, we saw over 500 people just in our station!  Total, there were about 2000 people that showed up for treatment today.

Michelle, Kelly, & Pau waiting for someone to coach :)

Lifestyle station

Waiting areas

Cooking demos

Weimar Academy sang for the waiting people

It was so much fun helping the people, talking with them about practical tips they can do to improve their health, and connecting them with local churches that will have different health seminars. I can't wait to see what the next two days will bring! ;)

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Grand Canyon & San Antonio!

These past couple of days have been super busy, yet so much fun! Sunday morning, we headed off to the Grand Canyon. It was so amazing!  I've seen many pictures of it, but until I saw it in person, I didn't realize how big it really was! It was stunning, and the weather was absolutely wonderful as well.

Sunday afternoon, we headed out back to Thunderbird Academy. After a short night, we left at 4am for San Antonio. We arrived to hot and humid San Antonio at 9:45pm. I will give just a little intro into what we are doing in San Antonio before I go into what we did today. :)

We are here with Pathways to Health to put on a free "mobile" hospital for those in San Antonio.  The city gave us the Alamo dome completely for free, which was a miracle in of itself. In this clinic, there will be everything from primary care, eye care, dental care, pediatrics, to even surgeries.  There are about 1700 volunteers here available to help, and we are expecting about 8000 people to come through in the next three days.  Weimar college is specifically here to help with the lifestyle coaching station.

So, today, we set off early to the Alamo dome to help with the set up. :)  

The Alamo dome

Inside...the first side.

...And the second side. It is huge!

Sorting through donated medical supplies

Weimar lifestyle coaching will be done here, following the NEWSTART acronym.


This just gives a glimpse of what was going on today, and tomorrow, we start seeing people!  It is such a blessing to be able to be a part of God's work in helping people!  I pray that tomorrow people will be able to see Jesus in me! 

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Sabbath in Arizona--PAC Time

April 3 marked the start of Weimar College's PAC time (Practical Application Component). This time, instead of doing projects around the campus, a group of us headed off to San Antonio, TX to help with Pathways to Health Clinic.  The college will be helping with lifestyle coaching, and we hope to see around 6000-8000 people.

So, yesterday we left Weimar at 4am and headed to Thunderbolt Academy in Scottsdale, Arizona. It is so beautiful and warm here!

Sabbath School

Pastor Don spoke on Christ's resurrection 

In the afternoon, a group went on a hike, but several of us stayed here and rested on the lawn outside. After our long nap, we decided to take pictures, and we continued it as the rest of the girls got back from the hike and they were able to join us. :)  Thanks to Ron, the pictures turned out great!

Sandra & Danielle

Kel & me

Danielle, Kelly, & Michelle

Can you see us in the tree?!

Can you see the flower?

And the star?

Sisters! :)

Me, Sandra, Jessica, Danielle, Michelle, Kelly, & Stacey

Michelle! ;)

Michelle & Danielle

It was a very relaxing, blessed Sabbath! Tomorrow, we will be heading to the Grand Canyon, so I will be posting some more pictures. :) It will be my first time there!