Sunday, September 27, 2015

PAC...and Lab

Nothing terribly exciting has happened here....except a couple of things I would say that are worthy of mention. :)

I have been enjoying Anatomy and Physiology....Dr. Grilo is an awesome teacher, and his lectures are very interesting. However, there has been one thing about it that I was not looking forward to....lab.

My dislike of anything blood and guts has led me to find a career other than nursing and the medical field. But for some reason, I signed up for this class.

So, lab. This year, Weimar was able to get a cadaver for A&P labs. Should I say anything more?  Well, our first lab with the cadaver was a couple of Thursdays ago. I was definitely not looking forward to this, but Thursday still came strong and clear.

Kelly and I, as well as the other students, headed down to the lab room. There, we changed into scrubs and lab coats (I have to say, I never expected to find myself in scrubs at any time!). Then came the time to go inside....I won't say much more except that one of the girls fainted, and my stomach was in knots for the rest of the day.  When I was recuperating outside the room part of the time, I asked myself, "Why in the world did I sign up for this class?"

But hey, since I'm signed up, I might as well get through it! Perhaps I still have the chance to get used to it....somewhat anyways. So far, it hasn't worked.  On a brighter side, I will have to post a picture of my class in scrubs.

This last weekend was PAC (Practical Application Component)!!--a welcome break from studying!!  All of us students had to pick a project to help out with on campus. Some signed up for the wood shop, others for landscaping or construction. For me, I decided to do electronics. :)  It was awesome!!  The first day, we helped fix outlets in the wall, and the second day, we made microphone cords.

Building an outlet

Part of the group! Wiljon, Timothy, Tino, and me

Building microphone/speaker cords

The cord I was working on

My finished product!!

This is what the landscapers worked on---it looks amazing!!!

PAC is awesome, especially when you get a project finished. It makes you feel like you accomplished something, and that's what I like about it! :)

Today, we are doing a health expo, so photos will come later for that. 

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